Today, there is a wide range of educational CDs and DVDs for school children of all ages, available in various stores as well as online. They help in transforming our passive system of learning into an interactive one with the help of high-quality graphics and videos along with text, that help children retain things in their memory for a long time.,memory%20for%20a%20long%20time.&text=These%20DVDs%20and%20CDs%20can,can%20understand%20various%20concepts%20clearly. Depending on the age and the requirement of the child, parents can choose from a large range of CDs and DVDs. These can include topics like numbers, ABCs, Shapes, rhymes, colors, stories and more. For older school kids looking for help with their academics, there are other DVDs and CDs in subjects like math, science, English, and others. These DVDs and CDs can be used for home learning where they can under...