for increasing proficiency (TIP)
10 ways to study English outside the classroom
2. Join a English conversation group
3. Watch English TV programmes or movies
4. Listen to English songs
5. Listen to English books
6. Listen to the English radio station
7. Read English books
8. Read magazines
9. Read newspapers
10. Keep an English journal
Language Courses
- International English Language Testing system (IELTS)
- Testing of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
- Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)
- Pearson Test of English (PTE
Total Physical response (TPR)
TPR is
a language teaching method developed by James Asher, a professor Emeritus of
Psychology at San Jose State University
It is based on the coordination of language
and physical movement.
In TPR instructors give commands to
students in target language (English), and students respond with whole body
This method is an example of the
comprehensive approach to language teaching.
listening and responding with action serves two purposes:
Quickly recognizing
meaning in the language being learned.
Means of passively
learning the structure of language itself.
Audio lingual Method /Army method/ New key
Method/Aural oral Approach
lingual method is a style of teacher used in teaching foreign language. This
approach is similar to direct method in that the lesson takes place entirely in
the target language. It is based on behaviourist theory and structural view of
the language. Linguists at the University
of Michigan invented this method in the late 1950’s.
this method
The students first hear a
2. Later they speak the language
3. After that they read and write in the language
2. Later they speak the language
3. After that they read and write in the language
Main activities:
- 1. Reading aloud dialogues
- 2. Repetitions of model sentences.
- 3. Drilling.
The objective
of this method is
Accurate pronunciation and
Ability to respond quickly
and accurately in speech situations
Knowledge of sufficient vocabulary
to use with grammar patterns
Characteristics of this method
Language learning is habit
Mistakes are bad and
should be avoided, as they considered bad habits
Language skills are
learned more effectively if they are presented orally first, then in written
Analogy is a better
foundation for language learning than analysis.
The meaning of the words
can be learned only in linguistic and cultural context.
Cooperative language learning
It was introduced by the American education reformer John Dewey.
It is also known as general instructional
approach as collaborative learning it makes maximum use of cooperative activities
involving pairs and small groups of learners in the classroom.
Cooperative learning is a teaching method
where students of mixed levels of ability arranged into groups and rewarded
according to the groups success, rather than individual member.
CLL is focused on the idea that teaching
should make maximum use of cooperative activities and interaction. In
cooperative group work students are likely to scaffold each other therefore
raise the language level of the class. It is based on the idea that second
language learning can be best done in heterogeneous group, when all students
work collaboratively and cooperatively for one common goal.
supports the idea Vygotsky (socio cultural theory) “interaction not only
facilitates language learning but is a causative force in acquisition”
Common activities
Think, pair, and share activities.
Grammar Translation Method
Grammar Translation Method is a method of
teaching foreign languages derived from the classical (traditional) method of
teaching. (Used to teach Greek and Latin). This approach mainly focuses on the
written form at the expenses of the oral form.
- Ø Vocabulary items are taught in the form of word list
- Ø Elaborate explanations of grammar
- Ø Focus on the morphology and syntax
- Ø Reading of difficult texts easily in the course.
- Ø Practice focuses on exercises translating sentences or texts from mother tongue to the target language (English) and vice versa.
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