Brief History
The Central Advisory Board of Education, the oldest and the most important advisory body of the Government of India in education was first established in 1920 and dissolved in 1923 as a measure of economy. It was revived in 1935 and has been in existence ever since.
2. Origin of the Board:
The idea that there should be a central Advisory Board of Education was first put forward by the Calcutta University Commission (1917-19) which felt "that the Government of India could perform an invaluable function by defining the general aims of educational policy, by giving advice and assistance to local governments and to the development of educational ideas in the various provinces, and also elsewhere than in India." Almost simultaneously the Government of India Act, 1919 decided to make education mainly a provincial and a transferred subject and to limit the `control' of the Central Government over it to the minimum. This fundamental decision changed the character of the Government of India from that of an executive to an advisory authority; and consequently, the Secretariat Procedure Committee set up to implement the Government of India Act, 1919, observed that, in future, the executive authority of the Government of India should be mainly exercised through moral persuasion and recommended that, "in place of giving executive orders it should tend more and more to become a centre of the best information, research and advice." This recommendation made the adoption of the recommendation of the Calcutta University Commission all the more imperative and accordingly, a Central Advisory Board of Education was set up in 1920 under the chairmanship of Education Commissioner to the Government of India. It is a good deal of useful work but, owing to a financial crisis calling for drastic retrenchments, was abolished in 1923.
3. Revival and Reconstitution of the board:
For the next twelve years, there was no Central body to advise the Government of India in educational matters. However, a feeling of regret at the discontinuance of the Board began to grow, especially after the Report of Hartog Committee (1928) which observed that the divorce between the Government of India and education had been unfortunate. consequently, the present Central Advisory Board of Education was revived in 1935.
4. Constitution:
The first constitution of the Board was given in the Government of India (Education, Health and Lands Department) Resolution No.F.122-3/35-E dated 8th of August, 1935. The Board has been reconstituted vide Government of India Resolution No.1-2/90- PN(D.II) dated 19th October, 1990, as per2
5. The Present Composition:
The present composition of the Board is given in Annexure-II.
6. Meetings held:
The practice adopted by the Board has been to hold one meeting every year, although the record of the last fifty- five years shows that there were no meetings in 1937, 1939, 1966, 1969, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985 and 1990, and two meetings were held each in 1938, 1943, 1950 and 1986.The details of the venues and chairmanship of the 48 meetings held so far are given in the following table:
Sr. No. Year Place Chairmanship of the Meeting
1 2 3 4
I 1935 New Delhi Sir Girja Shankar Bajpai II 1936 New Delhi Kunwar Sir Jagdish Prasad III 1938 New Delhi Kunwar Sir Jagdish Prasad IV 1938 New Delhi Kunwar Sir Jagdish Prasad V 1940 Simla Sir Girja Shankar Bajpai VI 1941 Madras Sir Girja Shankar Bajpai VII 1942 Hyderabad Sir Maurice Gwyer VIII 1943 Lucknow Sardar Sir Jogendra Singh IX 1943 Dehradun Sir Maurice Gwyer X 1944 Baroda Sardar Sir Jogendra Singh XI 1945 Karachi Sardar Sir Jogendra Singh XII 1946 Mysore Hon'ble Rt. Rev. G.D. Barne XIII 1947 Bombay Shri C. Rajagopalachari XIV 1948 New Delhi Maulana Abul Kalam Azad XV 1949 Allahabad Maulana Abul Kalam Azad XVI 1950 Cuttack Maulana Abul Kalam Azad XVII 1950 New Delhi Maulana Abul Kalam Azad XVIII 1951 Thiruvanan- Shri B.G. Kher thapuram XIX 1952 New Delhi Maulana Abul Kalam Azad XX 1953 New Delhi Maulana Abul Kalam Azad XXI 1954 New Delhi Shri N.K. Sidhanta XXII 1955 New Delhi Maulana Abul Kalam Azad XXIII 1956 New Delhi Maulana Abul Kalam Azad XXIV 1957 New Delhi Dr. K.L. Shrimali XXV 1958 New Delhi Maulana Abul Kalam Azad XXVI 1959 Madras Dr. K.L. Shrimali XXVII 1960 New Delhi Dr. K. L. Shrimali XXVIII 1961 New Delhi Dr. K.L. Shrimali XXIX 1962 Jaipur Dr. K.L. Shrimali XXX 1963 Pachmarhi Dr. K.L. Shrimali XXXI 1964 Bangalore Shri M.C. Chagla
XXXII 1965 Chandigarh Shri M.C. Chagla XXXIII 1967 New Delhi Dr. Triguna Sen XXXIV 1968 New Delhi Dr. Triguna Den XXXV 1970 New Delhi Prof. V.K.R.V. Rao XXXVI 1972 New Delhi Prof. S. Nurul Hasan XXXVII 1974 New Delhi Prof. S. Nurul Hasan XXXVIII 1975 New Delhi Prof. S. Nurul Hasan XXXIX 1983 New Delhi Smt. Sheela Kaul XL 1986 New Delhi Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao (April) XLI 1986 New Delhi Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao (August) XLII 1987 New Delhi Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao (June) XLIII 1988 New Delhi Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao (March) XLIV 1988 New Delhi Shri P. Shiv Shankar (Sept.) XLV 1989 New Delhi Shri P. Shiv Shankar (July) XLVI 1991 New Delhi Shri Rajmangal Pande (March) XLVII 1992 New Delhi Shri Arjun Singh (May) XLVIII 1992 New Delhi Shri Arjun Singh (August)
The Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) is the highest advisory body to advise the Central and State Governments in the field of education. In the past, important decisions have been taken on the advice of CABE has a particularly important role to play at the present juncture in view of the decision of the Government to appoint a Committee under the Chairmanship of Acharya Ramamurti to review the National Policy of Education, 1986 and also in view of the significant socio-economic and soco-cultural developments taking place in the country. It is a matter of importance that the Central and State Governments, and educationists and teachers, should increase their interaction so that education becomes an instrument for national reconstruction and social cohesion.
2. The Government of India have accordingly decided to reconstitute the CABE as per the Annexure*.
3. The function of CABE would be :
(a) to review the progress of education from time to time;
(b) to appraise the extent and manner in which the education policy has been implemented by the Central and State Governments, and other concerned agencies, and to give appropriate advice in the matter;
(c) to advice regarding coordination between the Central and State Governments/UT Administrations, State
* Annexure-II
Governments and non-governmental agencies for educational development in accordance with the education policy; and
(d) to advise, suo motu, or on a reference made to it by the Central Government or any State Government or a Union Territory Administration or any educational question.
4. For the discharge of these functions, the Board may (i) call for information and comments from any Government institution, any other organisation or a individual; (ii) appoint committees or groups comprising members of CABE and/or others as may be necessary; and (iii) commission through Government or any other agency, studies, research or reports on any specific issue requiring attention of the Board of its committees or groups.
The tenure of office of members of the Board, other than the ex-officio members, shall be three years. The tenure shall take effect from the date of this notification.
(i) All casual vacancies among the members, other than ex-officio members shall be filled by the authority or body which nominated or elected the member whose place he fills would have been a member.
The Board will meet at least once every year and there shall not be a gap of more than two years between two consecutive meetings of the Board.
(i) The Agenda, the explanatory memorandum and the record of proceedings/minutes will be prepared and circulated by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (Department of Education), Government of India. (ii) The Agenda and the6
explanatory memorandum will ordinarily be circulated to all the members at least 15 days before the date of the meeting of the Board.
The quorum of the meeting of the Board will be 2/3rd of the total members of the Board.
The Board will adopt is ow procedure in respect of matters not provided for above.
No proceedings of the Board shall be invalid merely on ground of procedural defect or vacancy under any category of membership.Sd/- (Dr. R.V. VAIDYANATH AYYAR) JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
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