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Date                    :
                                                                                                                                                Period         :
                                                                                                                                                Duration      :
Name of Teacher   :
Name of the School:                                                         Topic: Agriculture
Class                     :  XI                                                   Unit   : The importance of Agriculture in Economic Development

Instructional Objectives : The Pupil

1.     acquires the knowledge of the agriculture in Economic Development

2.     understands of the role of agriculture in economic development

3.     applies the knowledge of the role of agriculture in the recent trends in Indian economy

4.     develops the skill of identifying and measuring the contribution of agriculture in Indian economic development
5.     Develop proper interest in studying various source materials to develop agricultural products in India
6.     Develop positive attitude about the importance of agriculture.

Specification:    The Pupil

1.     Recalls                  :         agriculture in India. The importance of agriculture in our country.

2.     Recognizes            :         contribution to national income

3.     Classifies               :         the aspects of economic development due to agriculture

4.     Explains                :         i. employment opportunity generated through agriculture

                             :         ii. development of non-agriculture (iii) The promoting of international trade

5.     Illustrates               :         Agro-industrial development in India

6.     Infers                    :         The capital out-put ratio between agriculture and industry

7.     Analyses               :         The agro-industries leads to standard of living.


          General classroom equipment A chart Showing the details of the importance of agriculture in economic development.

Learning experience


Yes, the people depends upon agriculture

Yes, agriculture to give employment agro-based industries

What is the most significant
sector of the Indian economy?

Whether the people depend upon
agriculture in our country.

Whether the agriculture is to give any opportunity to the employment.

G.D.P.means Gross Domestic Product
What is meant by G.D.P?
What is meant by G.D.P

i. Contribution to National Income

ii. Provides employment

iii. Assists industrial development

iv. promotes international trade

v. Capital output ratio is small

vi. Provides food

vii. Eradicates poverty and improves standard of living.
Classify the importance of agriculture in economic development.

It contributes the large portion of national income in recent years with the faster development of the non-agriculture sector and its contributes is significant compared to other sector
Explain non-agricultural sector
The ------------------- development of the non-agricultural sector

Agriculture provides employment to large number of people
Explain  to the creation of employment through the development of agriculture as a ‘Sector’
Name any industry in cuddalore district

It supplies raw materials to industries, many industries converts agricultural products into finished goods. it develops markets for the industrial products in rural areas
Illustrates to assist industrial development viz. “Agro-industry.
Ex.Fertilizer industry, agro-chemical industry
Name anyone agro-industry where fertilizer is produce

At present tea and coffee are very good exports from the farm sector
Explain the ways to promoting of international trade
Explain the ways to promoting international trade

As compared to industry, capital requirements of agriculture is low. Capital output ratio means requirement of capital for the production of a given amount of output. it helps the nation to allocate the precious capital to other sectors.
Infer capital output ratio between agriculture industry and total output

It gives raw materials requirements of agro-based industries and also food requirements of the growing population
Explain the importance of agriculture development in Indian economy

Development of agro-based industries leads to development of agricultural products – supplies cheap food to the people it will increased per capita income will increase – standard of living is also increase
Analyse the development of agro-industries leads to development of standard of living.

1.     Explain in the role of agriculture in increasing employment?
2.     Write the role of agriculture in international trade?
3.     How do you eradicate poverty and improve standard of living?

1.     What is the role of agriculture in economic development?
2.     What are the raw materials supplied through agriculture?
3.     What you mean by eradication of poverty in agriculture?

4.     Discuss any one of the agro-based industries in our district


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