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Model Lsson Plan : Biology

                        Name of the Teacher:                                                               Subject : Biological Science                                          Date    :
                        Standard : VIII                                                             Topic    : Human Respiratory System                            Time   :
                        Class Strength:                                                              Unit      : Structure of Human                                         Period :
                        School:                                                                                         Respiratory System

            INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: The pupil                                     SPECIFICATIONS: The pupil

1. acquirers knowledge about the structure of human                             1.  recalls the different system of human body.
    respiratory system.                                                                                        2.  recognises various organs involved in respiration.
2. understands the structure and various organs involved                                    3.  gives reason for the importance of respiration
    in human respiratory system                                                              4.  identifies various organs and gases involved in respiration.
3. applies his knowledge in identifying various organs                             5.  defines the process of respiration.
    in human body.                                                                                             6.  locates various organs in respiratory system.
4. develops skill in observing, drawing and labeling.                                           7.  infers the function of plural cavity.
5. develops interest in knowing more about human physiology.               8.  observes the structure of human respiratory system
6. develops scientific attitude towards the study of human physiology     9.  draws the diagram of human respiratory system.
    and  appreciates the structure of human lungs and its functions.                     10.  realizes the significance of human respiratory system.

            TEACHING AIDS:
1.      Chart showing the diagram of human respiratory system.
2.      Chart showing the diagram of  alveoli



               Learning Experience








gives reason

Digestive system, Respiratory system,
Nerves system, Excretory system Etc.

Respiratory system


Oxygen and Carbon dioxide



The lungs are found in thoracic cavity

A pair of lungs

Oxygen is necessary for oxidation of food
in the tissues. This oxygen is got from the
atmosphere through respiration.

What are the different systems in human
 body ?

Which system is concerned with
 respiration ?

What is the process responsible for
oxidation of food in the body ?

What are the two major gases involved in

Where do you get oxygen for respiration ?

What is the main organ in respiratory

Locates their own lungs in their body

How many lungs are there in human
respiratory system?

Why the respiratory system is very

A pair of lungs involved in
respiration.          Yes/ No

The process of respiration is
very essential for oxidation
of food.                Yes/No 



        Learning Experience







gives reason

Respiration is the process of exchange of
Oxygen and carbon dioxide between the
 body and the outside environment.

Nostrils, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi
And bronchioles.

Diagram of human respiratory system

pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi

The hair present inside the nostril prevent the large
 unwanted particles entering the respiratory

Define the process of respiration?

Tr. Explain various organs involved in

Tr. Shows the chart

Draws the diagram of human respiratory

Locates the various organ in human
 respiratory system

Why should there be hairs present in the

Respiratory system helps you
to breath                   Yes/No

What are the organs involved
 in respiration?

Do you think breathing
 through mouth is good?

        Learning Experience





gives reason

realizes the

It products lungs

Each alveolus is about 0.2 mm in diameter.
It is lined by a single layer of epithelial cells.
The alveolus is covered by blood capillaries

Diagram of structure of alveoli

During running race our body needs more
 oxygen. So we inhale more oxygen.

Respiration is an inevitable activity of all
 living organisms. Oxygen is got from
atmosphere through respiration

What is the function of plural cavity?

Tr. Explain the structure of alveoli

Tr. Shows the chart

Draw the diagram of structure of alveoli

Why we inhale more air during a
running race?

Explain the importance of respiratory

Lungs are protected by double
walled membrane called-----

In lungs there are about-------
a)200million  b) 3000million
c)130million  d) 300million

The rate of respiration for a
 minute depends upon the need of ------------------.
                         REVIEW:    Process of respiration – Structure of respiratory pathway- nostrils, pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs, alveoli –
                                                importance of  respiratory system.
                         ASSIGNMENT: 1. Buy a sheep lung from a butchers shop and observe the alveoli through hand lens.
                                                      2. Prepare a model of respiratory system.

                                                      3. What is larynx? Explain about it?


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