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Model Lesson Plan: history

                                                                                              Model Lesson Plan

Name of the Teacher Trainee:                                                 Subject                        : History                                             Date    :
Name of the School: R.C.T. Hr.Sec School                           Unit                 : Gupta Period                                     Duration :
Standard         : IX                                                                  Topic               :  Samudra Gupta                                Period  :
Strength          : 45                                                                 

Instructional Objectives: The pupil
1.      acquires knowledge of Gupta period, Samudra Gupta’s victory and Establishment
2.      understands the conquest, victory, establishment of Empire Samudra Gupta’s achievement
3.      develops skill of drawing, and lactating the victories places of Samudra Gupta
4.      develops interest in collecting Antiques,  coins, beeds,  pictures and ornaments of Samudra Gupta
5.      develops positive attitude towards the invasions of Samudra Gupta
6.      appreciates the expedition of Samudra Gupta change the culture in north India.
Specifications:   The pupil
1.      recalls the year, victorious place, father of Samudra Gupta
2.      recognizes the early period, victorious place, establishment of empire during Samudra Gupta period
3.      classifies the period of  Samudra Gupta
4.      explains the Alagabad Inscription, expedition in south India, policy of Samudra Gupta
5.      differentiates  Samudra Gupta rule with other kingdom
6.      gives reasons for Samudra Gupta called  Indian Napoleon
7.      observes the map shown by the teacher
8.      locates victorious places of Samudra Gupta in the Gupta period map
9.      draws the boundary lines during Samudra Gupta period
10.  illustrates the foreign account of Bahia Hun

Teaching Aids:  Chart Showing the picture of Samudra Gupta
                           Map containing the expedition of Samudra Gupta
Learning Experience


Chandra Gupta

Who was the father of Samudra Gupta?

Before came to throne of Samudra Gupta his father Chandra Gupta ruled over north India.
explain the early period of Samudra Gupta
Samudra Gupta Belongs to in which dynasty?

  1. Early life and success
  2. conquest and victories
  3. Administration
  4. Legacy of Samudra Gupta
The teacher classifies the period of Samudra Gupta

Learning experience


Samudra Gupta was son and successor of Chandra Gupta
After Chandra Gupta Samudra Gupta came into power. His period was 335 AD to 380 AD.
Samudra Gupta was fought against his enemy and came into power.

Teacher explain the early life and success of  Samudra Gupta

What is the period of Samudra Gupta?


Chandra Gupta

Who was the father of Samudra Gupta


Samudra Gupta ambassador Hari Sena was establishing the Allahabad Inscription. In this inscription he wrote the victories of Samudra Gupta

The teacher illustrate the Allahabad Inscription

Who established Allahabad Inscription?
Learning experience


Samudra Gupta ambition is conquer the palace, destroy the kingdom  and establish his kingdom after that he gives same throne to the  king

Teacher differentiates the  Samudra Gupta policy with the other kingdom

What was the policy of Samudra Gupta?


Samudra Gupta war against the south Indian kings, he got victory against the Kanchi King Vishnu Gopar, and the Pallavs king who ruled in east sea shore. The north and western kings were also surrounded without any commitments.

Teacher explain the expedition of  Samudra Gupta in South India

What are victories of Samudra Gupta in South India?

gives reasons
Samudra Gupta acts as a tiger if any one of the kings against his rule or dominate his place, he fought against without any fear, thus he called Indian Napoleon.

Why Samudra Gupta asked Indian Napoleon?

Learning experience
Gupta Period Map
Teacher shows the Gupta period map and explain the victorious place of Samudra Gupta


Lichavi, Prayagai, Kanchi, Kosalam
Students locates the lichavi, prayagai, kanchi, kosalam
Locates lichavi, Kanchi in the map.

Draw the boundaries of Samudra Gupta in the map
Draws the Boundaries of Samudra Gupta
Draws the boundaries of  Samudra Gupta in the map

Review : Samudra Gupta early period – his policy – south India expedition- the source of establishment – Indian Napoleon 
1.      Who was the father of Samudra Gupta?
2.      Discuss the policy of Samudra Gupta
3.      Critically analysis the rule of Samudra Gupta period in India
4.      Explain the foreign accounts of Bahia Hun

Signature of Student Teacher                                                                         Signature of the Guide Teacher


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